Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What's going on in Nova Scotia?

Though I'm not fully convinced of their methodology (the average of ridings), the recent Strategic Counsel poll seems to suggest that the Tories are making significant gains in the battleground ridings of three key provinces (BC, Ont and Que). With that being said, what on earth is happening with them [Tories] in the Bluenose province as I see another one of their last minute candidates is drawing negative press (click on image for full story):

Back to the polls. Here's a must read conversation between two leading Canadian pollsters regarding the battleground ridings and where the Tory's will most likely hold onto their gains?

Update II
What's the chances that she was not fully vetted by the local EDA (if they have one)?

Update III (from nbpolitico)
She has dropped out as a candidate. This is quite embarassing for the governing party - two ridiculously ill thought candidates in the same province? Whoever is in charge of candidate selection for the CPC in NS should be the next to resign.

Update IV
Is it me, or is the Herald starting to resemble the "daily black cloud" for conservative strategists in Nova Scotia? Another one of their "late to the game" candidates falls flat with the locals.


nbt said...

I'm not certain why they went out of their way this election to hand pick four poor candidates as all four of those ridings (at the moment) are not only unwinnable, but more importantly, they aren't worth the hassles they have caused. It's almost like it was done deliberately as a warning to the two remaining Red Tories...MacKay and Keddy...who have links to MAcDonald (who publically campaigned in the senate against their budget). Payback time perhaps?

nbpolitico said...

Intriguing theory.