Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The media is all over a video as part of the Conservative's notaleader.ca website that depicted a puffin pooping on Stéphane Dion.

The Conservatives promptly removed the pooping scene from the animation (though a puffin still flies by).

The media coverage of this seems a bit overblown, but it reminds me a bit of football ref overcompensating for a bad call in the first quarter. The media was also all over Michael Ignatieff when he made the joke that "(t)hey hide their excrement ... (t)his seems to me a symbol for what our party should be."

Both were a bit silly, this animation is possibly a bit more of a story but both were definately overblown.


nbt said...

It's only day three and the shenanigans are already close to mid-election form.

Kit said...

This is an issue of national concern that demands scrutiny. Thanks to the MSM for pointing it out to me. But I have a question for the MSM? "when are you dorks going to cover some news?"

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised the bird didn't morph into Ignatief.

le politico said...

Speaking of Ignatieff, did you click on the puffin as it flies by..?