Thursday, October 9, 2008

In Quotes: The conflicting arguments of Jim Flaherty and the Tories

Jim Flaherty on Corporate Welfare: "I don't believe in corporate welfare or in propping up failing companies," he said, rejecting any sort of direct industrial aid or investment as a response to mill closures in New Brunswick.

[Source: The Telegraph Journal, December 13th, 2007]

Ah, but that was then, this is now: "Conservative Leader Stephen Harper pledged $400-million for the hard-hit aerospace and auto sectors today as he unveiled his relatively meagre campaign platform and tried to dispel the impression that he's done little to respond to fresh economic gloom and market turmoil."

[Source: The Toronto Globe & Mail, October 7, 2008]

Jim Flaherty on Bailing out Banks: "We are not looking at a rescue package for banks," he told reporters. "We are not looking at creating any additional risk for taxpayers."

[Source: The Toronto Globe & Mail, October 9, 2008]

Excuse me, if I don't hold my breath, Mr. Flaherty.


Is it me, or is McKenna starting to sound a lot like another Paul Martiin Jr. Maybe he thinks he can sweep to power on the exact same policy agenda as Martin, the only difference being he will be popular with his party. Now, if only Dion will get out of the way. lol

Update II

Not to worry, it's not a bailout: "the plan was one of the many tools available to government help credit conditions, and shows the Canadian government is acting in advance instead of waiting for a crisis to hit the Canadian financial system."

Can't say I didn't warn ya.


nuna d. above said...

On the Canada Election project site, someone said ATV had a poll that had McKay winning and May third.

Anonymous said...

The economic policies are conservative-lite.

Anonymous said...

I caught Harper on CPAC in Brantford and he looked like a quarterback that just got sacked. No smile, negative energy and unresponsive to crowd ovations.

Such a change from when he was in that area earlier on in the week where he was like a head cheerleader when introducing the local candidates.