Friday, October 3, 2008

Image politics strikes again. And it ain't pretty folks.

Many history buffs may remember the '74 photo of Bob Stanfield fumbling the football on an airport tarmac during a campaign stopover which, to the Tory leader's dismay, served to depict him as clumsy and inept. Well, the wrath of embarrassing image politics strikes again my friends as this photo of Liberal leader Stéphane Dion trying (I think?) to shoot the puck or ball into the net is disastrous to say the least. Is it as bad as the Stanfield photo? Probably not, but in the case of Stanfield, we must all remember that he caught all the passes thrown to him on that particular day before dropping the big one on camera (leading him to be punked by the media). Judging from the photo below, not sure one can say the same about Steph's athletic prowess away from the camera lens? H/T Dan Cook.

Although, in his defense, he probably sealed up the political geek vote with his suspect shooting technique. A technique I haven't witnessed since my mom joined me and my friends out in the driveway for a few quick wristers eons ago. Can you say train wreck?

Update: Toronto Star Quiz "Which party best represents your views in this election?"

Apparently, besides the Tories, the Dippers are the best party to represent my political views in this election, go figure. Take the "party quiz" and let me know how it goes?

Update II: It doesn't get any better in video, folks. H/T Le Politico.


le politico said...

Hahahaha.....hahaha..(wipes tear)classic!

Anonymous said...


nbt said...

I betcha Nordiques fans were glad it was the Canadiens and not them.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's easy shooting the puck in the net?????

Anonymous said...

And he's embarrassing the Habs jersey to boot. As a Tory-Leaf fan, this is as close to heaven as you can get!!

Anonymous said...

Cons, Lib, NDP, Bloc and Greens.

Anonymous said...

Dion's environmental hockey strategy: Play hockey this poorly and nobody will want to watch a game ever again.

Thus, allowing cities across the country to shut down the Zamboni and turn the stadium lights off, cutting Greenhouse gases.

nbpolitico said...

I got the CPC #1, #2 Lib-Green tie, #3 NDP-BQ tie.

Anonymous said...

CPC 1st, Greens 2nd, and Liberals and Bloc tied for 3rd. NDP didn't show up?

Anonymous said...

Maurice "the Rocket" Richard must be rolling over in his grave.

le politico said...


Anonymous said...

1. NDP 2. Liberal 3. Bloc-Con 5. Greens Shift

le politico said...

It gets better, there is video of Dion trying to get a goal. See my site or Stephen Taylor's.

Anonymous said...

Unlike Stanfield, I guess the picture actually does him a service.

Anonymous said...

CPC #1, Bloc-Liberals #2, Greens-NDP #3.

jajakoom said...

Train wreck is right. Couldn't the Liberal handlers at least found a sympathetic goalie???? Oh well, just shows that stick handling a puck (or a topic) is not Dion's forté)!!

nbt said...

Train wreck is right. Couldn't the Liberal handlers at least found a sympathetic goalie????

Thought the same thing myself. Where's their common sense. It almost like having Trudeau do pirouette off the diving board into a pool with no water. Brutal.

Anonymous said...

See the latest Nanos? He should fail at hockey more often.