Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sign wars

I had the opportunity this weekend to spend a bit of time in about a dozen ridings in NB and NS driving to a few visits. I was really surprised that there seemed to be very few Conservative signs up while the Liberals seemed to have their signs up in almost every riding.

For having such a disorganized campaign nationally, it was surprising to see the Liberals ahead of the game in terms of having signs printed, distributed and up. Greg Thompson has some of his signs up but they are signs from last time around. The only new Conservative signs I saw were of a candidate whose name I can't recall in Halifax West who, I imagine, hasn't a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

Other than Liberals, I saw a number of Bill Casey independent signs up and a few NDP signs in South Shore--St. Margaret's. I didn't realize Gordon Earle was taking another kick at the can there and that riding may actually be in play. I'll write something more detailed on that later.

What I found really surprising though is the impressive organization of Mary Lou Babineau, the Green candidate in Fredericton. She and Liberal candidate David Innes are the only ones with signs up but she is the only one that has lawn signs deployed to any significant degree. Additionally, she has been canvassing more aggressively than others - I've spoken to people in different corners of the city and it sounds like her volunteers hit nearly every neighbourhood in town with pamphlets. Is Jack MacDougall going to put the Greens in play in Fredericton? With the NDP only nominating a candidate late this week (and one with no name recognition) one would imagine a lot of their 20% of the votes would be up for grabs. Very interesting.


nbt said...

If I'm not mistaken, didn't the Green party of Canada candidate in freddy defect (last year) to the Liberals over the war in Afghanistan???

That said, did she have loyal supporters that moved over with her? And if so, will this be a factor on the 12th?

nbt said...

For having such a disorganized campaign nationally, it was surprising to see the Liberals ahead of the game in terms of having signs printed, distributed and up.

I think the NB Liberals do a good job of pooling their resources regionally (as came out last spring when they were allegedly accused of doing the same "in-and-out" type of deal the Tories very being accused of). I think it was Dominic Leblanc that said they have always worked together.

To be honest, I think it's more a question of volunteer loyalty as many in this region still have pride in the Liberal brand (as opposed to some places in Quebec, Ontario and the west).

It surely can't be money, as both parties plan to spend the 18 million cap.

Anonymous said...

Down here in Moncton, CPC Daniel Allain, a newcomer, has about twice as many signs as LPC Brian Murphy, an old hat everyone knows. No sign of other parties.

Anonymous said...

Yes the original NDPer did defect to the Libs, but that was a long time ago - maybe over a year - and I don't think she carried much weight in the party.

Hard to say.

Anonymous said...

I think you are mistaken Ashfields signs were up the sunday of the writ I saw them putting up signs around maple street and there was no other signs to be seen!