Thursday, September 18, 2008

Opposition phrase of the next few days: conservative insensitivity?

In politics, stubbornness can always work for and against a leader depending on the political circumstances. And now that Harper has dug in his heels "big time" with the press on Ritzgate, I see a certain someone is using this as a gateway to rekindle his chances with seasonal workers (and potential switch voters) in outlying regions of Quebec:
"They are showing total insensitivity toward the regions," he said during a stop at this town on the Baie-des-Chaleurs, where the economy is based on tourism and fishing. "It shows that a Conservative majority would be bad for the regions."
Methinks there will be a swift resignation in the next few days if the polls start to move unfavorably in La belle province for Mr. Harper. Never count out that ol' crafty separatist.


Anonymous said...

Quebec is sick of the Liberals conning them and the Bloc giving them nothing. I believe that when Oct 14th comes, Harper will get his majority. Even with a strong Conservative minority, the Libs will be licking their wounds a long time. If they were in debt before..just wait.

Anonymous said...

Yes and radical partisan attitudes like the above is why this country is in such a mess. Stephen Harper has been the most divisive Prime minister in my lifetime.